Monday, July 29, 2013

dates i have had that rate below "meh" but definitely could have been worse

one time i went on a date that began a week or so before, in this flirtatious gesture on a hooters napkin. the guy wrote "do you want to go on a date yes no." i had to circle one. i circled yes because this person was my friend vicki's brother's friend, and i had like, probably actually never been on a date with someone who had a car before. or ever. on a date. anyway. it was the end of senior year, and in the fall i would go off to college, and figured i should check that one off the list. like that new aubrey plaza movie "the to do list" but mine was more like "the to date list" because like, i hadn't even ever drank alcohol before. or done sex.

anyway we went to this dumb restaurant where my ex also took me another time and i had to eat dinner at with his family a bunch we talked about stuff, i don't know. then we drove around talking. the only highlights i remember are him telling me how he called out of work numerous times to continue d&d campaigns. or magic the gathering. or both. let me take this time to note that d&d is fucking fun but i have never skipped out on irl life responsibilities to play. he also wore a lot of button down shiny shirts and those plastic joke shop elvis sunglasses. anyway i think we walked around this park? i literally remember very little because it was so meh to me. and then he took me home and i kissed his cheek thinking like "meh i'd make out" but not knowing how to initiate that.

the next day i was at my friend annie's and he had like tried to initiate this pokemon facebook app contact with me and had stated that my "spirit pokemon" was squirtle which is TOTALLY WRONG and then he texted me to hang out and i said no.

then he like unfriended me from facebook. then he friended me again. then i tried to contact him a few days later to be like "not feeling it" and after 3 missed calls i just left a voicemail. he called me back and practically shouted at me that if "this is how you are going to treat people you're going to have a BAD TIME in college GOOD LUCK." maybe soemthing about a wake up call. it was awkward. then he unfriended me from facebook and added me back but i did not accept this time.

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